Connect. Commute. Engage.
The department coordinates its Transportation Demand Management with contractual partners, such as, Groome Transportation, Lynx Transit Authority, and SPIN, to improve commuter access to the campus and aid in futuristic transportation planning. These initiatives reduce the demand for new parking facilities on campus and successfully help to eliminate the need for single-occupancy vehicles on roadways. Did you know students, staff, and faculty can access Lynx Transit shuttles complimentary with a valid UCF ID? Continue your commute on Lynx shuttles.
Purchase a Permit
When do I need to renew my parking permit?
You only need to renew your permit when it expires. For example, if your permit expires September 1, you do not need to renew until that date. Your permit expiration date can be found by logging into the Virtual Parking Portal. Email notifications on permit renewals are sent two days prior to the expiration date.
What are the benefits to having a 150-day or 365-day parking permit?
Cost Savings: In some cases, purchasing a parking permit is more cost-effective than paying daily or hourly parking fees depending on your needs. Long-term permits often offer discounts compared to short-term parking options.
Security: University parking lots and garages with required permits are monitored by UCF Police and Parking Enforcement, and by having increased visibility, it reduces the risk of theft or damage to your vehicle.
Additional services: Parking and Transportation provides complimentary motorist assist services to all UCF faculty, staff and student permit-holders. This includes lost vehicle escorts, battery jumps, door openings and flat tire inflations.
What happens when we have guests at our location who need to find parking?
Parking Services is currently working on updating policies and procedures to implement permit requirements. This process will include discussions with stakeholders to address their parking needs.
How do we provide parking for new hires?
Complimentary, two-week parking passes are available for new employees at the Visitor and Parking Information Center. Speak to your supervisor or your Human Resources Business Office for more details.
Does the parking rate only apply to one vehicle on file?
Yes, one additional vehicle per account holder can be added to virtual permit orders for an additional fee of $15. However, the additional vehicle must be registered to the same household, and only one vehicle may be parked at any of the UCF locations at any given time.
Where do I purchase my permit?
Starting August 7, you can purchase your permit online at the Virtual Parking Portal. You can choose to do payroll deductions or pay the entire fee with your Visa, Mastercard, or American Express. You can also update your vehicle information, add a vehicle, and renew your permit from the portal.
What happens if I recently renewed my permit at the previous rate?
If the effective date of your permit is for fiscal year 2024, starting July 1, 2023, and was purchased at the old rate prior to the reduction, Parking Services will be adjusting the rate to reflect the approved change. We will be communicating through email directly to the permit-holders who fall into this category.
Who is required to buy a permit?
All faculty, staff and students who attend the UCF main campus (to include Foundation and UCF-owned properties, including in Research Park) and the Health Sciences, Rosen and Downtown campuses.
Why did the parking regulations change?
This allows Parking and Transportation Services to have better oversight and maintenance over the 21,000+ parking spaces across all UCF-owned properties while creating equity for all members of the UCF community.
When can I purchase my permit at the new rate?
Employee permits will be available for purchase at the newly-reduced rates starting August 7. The parking portal is currently undergoing system updates to reflect the new pricing for employee permits and will be active on August 7.
How does parking work at the Main Campus if I work remotely or at an off-campus location?
With a valid employee parking permit, you’re now able to park at any university property. This permit allows you to park in any employee-designated lot. For business use, proximity parking zones have been created to provide convenient parking adjacent to Millican Hall (lot B-1) and the Duke Welcome Center (lot B-3).
I’m going to live on campus, when should I order my parking permit?
Housing students should take into consideration date of move in and enrollment periods. It is recommended to order your virtual parking permit 1 week prior to the beginning of the semester so that you maximize your parking permit’s full time frame. If you will need to park prior to move in, consider purchasing a daily virtual parking permit for short term parking needs.
Do I need to buy a virtual permit if I still have a valid physical permit?
The department will implement virtual parking permits for employees and students. The virtual parking system allows you to use your license plate number as your parking permit. If you have a current permit purchased prior to July 1, it will be valid until August 31. You may use that permit up to its expiration before you purchase your new Virtual Permit if you choose to do so.
How will motorcycle permits be handled?
The new LPR system will read motorcycle license plates in the same manner as vehicle license plates.
Will parking permit fees increase fall of 2024?
Single vehicle permit fees will remain the same price. Customers who desire to register a second vehicle under their account, will be assessed a $15 fee per vehicle. Costs associated with virtual permitting include outfitting multiple vehicles and garages with LPR technology, hiring and training of enforcement personnel to ensure parking compliance, and responsibility of paying contractual fees for product support.
What do I do if my license plate changes after I have purchased a virtual permit?
To update your license plate on your virtual permit, visit the Parking Portal and select “Change license plate”. There you will have the option to make a permanent or temporary license plate change to your vehicle.
Permanent Vehicle Change:
You can change your vehicle information online, free of charge as follows:
- 365 DAYS permits allow 3 changes per active permit.
- 150 DAYS permits allow 1 change per active permit.
Temporary Vehicle Change:
You can temporarily change your vehicle information online, free of charge as follows:
- 365 DAYS permits allow 6 temporary changes.
- 150 DAYS permits allow 3 temporary changes.
Each temporary change can be up to 14 calendar days. The temporary vehicle information will auto revert to the original vehicle information when the temporary change expires. No user action is required. You can change your temporary vehicle’s End Date within 14 days from the registration date.
If you need assistance please call UCF Parking and Transportation directly at (407) 823-5812.
As a Retiree of UCF, will I have a virtual or physical permit?
The department will discontinue physical permits for retirees effective September 2024. New permits will be “virtual” and valid for 3 years. Please email decals@ucf.edu to request a retiree application form or call use at (407) 823-5812.
Will there be specific tags that designate residents, staff or faculty members?
LPR will automatically verify students, residents and employees’ virtual permits via their license plate. Vehicles parked in areas on campus not associated with their virtual permit type will be subject to a citation.
What happens if I do not have access to a smart device?
Please stop by the Visitor and Parking Information Center during business hours so we can assist you with our smart device.
Sustainability practices and promoting efficiency
The change to LPR and virtual permits makes the permit process more sustainable by removing waste created by using physical permits. About 250,000 physical permits were issued to faculty, staff, and students over the last five years, resulting in a cost savings of $245k annually. Physical permits are treated as cash and switching to virtual reduces the need to track and inventory permits. Customers will no longer need to drive to the Parking Office and stand in long lines during the rush of the semester. It’s simple–purchase parking credentials at your convenience via smart device.
The bottom line is that this technology is designed to improve our efficiency and your experience with us.
- Greater convenience to the permit renewal process – no extra trips to pick up permit, no waiting in line and no waiting for your permit to arrive in the mail
- Once LPR is fully implemented, there will be no need to:
- Visit our office if you forget your permit
- Worry about your permit falling from rearview mirror or being improperly displayed
- Pay a fee for lost permits
- Remember to switch your permit to another vehicle
How does virtual permitting benefit me?
- Eliminates the need to display physical permits and the need to move permits from vehicle-to-vehicle
- Increased cost effectiveness with the reduction of printed permits and postage fees
- Returning to your vehicle to display a paper permit will no longer be necessary
- Lost or stolen permits and the associated replacement fees, police reports, and processing times will be eliminated
- No more forgetting your permit, a permit falling from a rearview mirror or being displayed improperly
- Reduced waste and promotes campus sustainability:
- Reduced paper, plastic, envelopes, and ink used in permit production and distribution
- Reduced waste and litter in all campus lots
What if I am a visitor?
Virtual Daily parking permits are available $8.00 per day and are allowed in General (green) student spaces. After 5:30pm, virtual daily parking permits are allowed to park in Employee, Unreserved, or Student spaces. Visitors can register their vehicle’s license plate information into the online parking system.
What if I am working remote or taking classes online?
Virtual daily parking permits are available $8.00 per day (24 hours) based on transaction date/time and are allowed in D (green) student spaces. After 5:30pm, virtual daily parking permits are allowed to park in B, C, unreserved or student spaces. $5-day passes are also available and expire 11:59pm date of purchase.
What if my vehicle is in the shop for repairs and I am driving a rental vehicle?
If you are driving a temporary vehicle, you will need to login into your parking portal and update your vehicle information by making a “temporary vehicle change”. Each temporary vehicle change has a maximum time of up to fourteen(14) days. If no action is taken to change temporary vehicle after 14 days, the permit will revert back to the original license plate.
For 365 day virtual permit holders, you are allowed six (6) temporary vehicle changes for the life of the permit. For 150 day virtual permit holders, you are allowed three (3) temporary vehicle changes for the life of the permit.
What happens if I own multiple vehicles in my household?
In addition of purchasing 365 annual or 150-day permit, the account holder will have the opportunity to add a second vehicle for a cost of $15. Only one vehicle per account can be parked on any of UCF campus at a time or a $100 parking fine can be assessed to the account holder. The virtual parking system allows you to use your license plate number as your parking permit. Remember, regardless of the date it was purchased, the second vehicle permit will expire on the same date as your first vehicle permit.
When are virtual permits valid?
Annual virtual permits are valid 365 days from the date of purchase. For those who would like to purchase parking by semester, there will be a 150-day virtual permit valid 150 days from date of purchase. Daily permits are valid from date and time of purchase and are allowed to park in green D spaces (or employee, or unmarked spaces only after 5:30pm).
How do I purchase a UCF parking permit and how does LPR work?
Faculty, staff, and students can register their vehicle’s license plate information into the online parking system when purchasing their virtual permits. The virtual permitting system then combines this information with your payment and generates a virtual permit linked to that vehicle’s license plate number. When a vehicle parks on campus, the license plate is captured by cameras mounted on enforcement vehicles. When read, the numbers of your plate are automatically referenced against the parking database to verify a valid permit and the proper parking privileges for each parking facility. If the license plate and vehicle information are not associated with a valid virtual permit or the vehicle is parked in an inappropriate lot (Employee vs. Student), then the vehicle can be subject to a citation.
What is LPR?
License Plate Recognition (LPR) is smart parking technology that provides virtual permits through a vehicle’s license plate instead of paper permits or plastic hangtags. LPR increases parking efficiency on campus, provides convenience for UCF’s constituents and offers a touchless approach to attaining permit credentials. It also promotes sustainability by eliminating plastic and paper tags and greatly reduces the amount of time spent to obtain a parking permit.
Is there a charge to utilize Lynx shuttles?
No, Parking and Transportation Services has partnered with Lynx, the Central Florida Transit Authority to provide complimentary access to routes on-board Lynx shuttles. A valid UCF Student, and Employee Identification card will be needed prior to boarding.
Is there a GPS link for the shuttles?
Please refer to the desktop URL https://ucf.doublemap.com/map/ or via the UCF mobile app https://ucfmobile.ucf.edu/.
Why didn’t I receive a warning prior to getting a ticket?
All entrances to UCF, parking lots and garages display visible signage with the “required permit needed” to park, it is your responsibility to ensure you are parked in the correct area for your permit type.
Why did I receive a citation for “parked facing traffic” when I pulled through?
“Nose-in” parking is when your vehicle is parked with your license plate visible from the driving lane. Our LPR cameras will drive through the lots scanning license plates to determine whether the vehicle has a valid permit. If you “back-in” or “pull through to the space in front of you”, your license plate will not be visible, resulting in a ticket being issued.
I paid my citation(s) when will my academic hold be released?
Academic holds are removed the next day after citation is paid.
What happens if I don’t pay my citation(s)?
A late fee is added 10 business days after issuance of citation. An academic hold is placed on student records. Employees will have a registration block added to their parking portal. All delinquent accounts can be turned over to a collection agency. If you accrued (3) three or more unpaid parking citations or unpaid citations totaling $200.00 or more are subject to immobilization of vehicle.
What happens if I receive a citation and I believe it is incorrect?
Parking citations can be paid online, by mail or at our offices. If you believe that extraordinary or mitigating circumstances warrant a waiver of the citation, you may appeal the citation within 10 business days of issuance of citation.
Can I transfer or let someone else borrow my hangtag?
Hang tags are transferrable from automobile to automobile; however, they are not transferrable from person to person. Permits are linked to your information and you are liable for any citations that are issued with that permit.
What if I am only going to be on campus for an hour or two?
Hourly parking spaces are located at the Visitor and Parking Information Center. These spaces use the ParkMobile app that can be downloaded on your smart phone.
Are permits required at Lake Nona, the Downtown Campus, Rosen College, Research Park and the UCF Lake Nona Cancer Center?
UCF parking permits are required at all locations.
How do I purchase a day pass?
Virtual daily permits are purchased from the convenience of your smart device, UCF Mobile App or our website.
If I have a valid UCF parking permit, am I permitted to park in the garages during an event at the arena?
Yes, with a valid UCF parking permit you are able to park in garages being used for an event, if space is available.
What happens if I park in a reserved 24 hours space?
Your vehicle may be subject to a citation and/or tow.
Is there a fee to park in garage F?
Garage F is complimentary for guests visiting the Knights Plaza except when there is an event. Please note signs for areas that require a specific parking permit.
It’s finals week, do parking rules still apply?
Parking rules are enforced 24 hours a day, and during all times of the year.
How do I know where to park with my valid parking permit?
Signs located at all UCF parking lots and garage entrances are color coordinated according to your permit type and color.
Where can visitors park on campus?
Visitors may park in any General (green) student lot or garage once a daily permit has been purchased.
Is there free parking after 5:30PM?
There is no free parking on campus. However, after 5:30PM, students with valid UCF permits are permitted to park in employee lots, except any specifically designated space.
I can’t find any parking, what do I do?
You can check garage availability on the UCF Mobile App or the link here: https://parking.ucf.edu/garage-availability/
Is there any location on campus that does not require a parking permit?
The campus is parking by UCF parking permit or daily fee only. There are no locations on campus that provide free parking.
I live on campus, where can I park?
Residential parking permits “R”,” RL” and “KP” are restricted to their individual housing communities Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00am and 5:30pm. After 5:30pm and on weekends, residents may park in Employee or General green spaces or lots except 24 hours reserved or any other signed space.