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Reminder...UCF shuttles are not operational during Spring Break. Shuttle service will resume on Monday 3/24 at 6:30am.

Parking Regulations

For the most current parking regulations, please click here.

Temporary Permits

Temporary parking permits must be obtained when an unregistered, substitute vehicle is being parked on campus. Temporary permits are issued at no charge and allows the same parking privileges as does the permanent decal for which it substitutes. A temporary permit may be issued for a maximum period of seven (7) days. A maximum of six (6) temporary permits may be issued to a university constituent in a single semester. Failure to obtain a temporary permit will result in a citation for registration violation. A temporary permit shall be displayed on the vehicle rear view mirror facing forward. A temporary permit is issued to a specific vehicle and is not transferable. Since hang tag permits are transferable from vehicle to vehicle, holders of hang tag permits may be issued a temporary permit for one day only.

“No Parking” Areas

Safety precautions necessitate some “No Parking” areas on the UCF campus. These areas must remain clear to permit other vehicles, to include emergency, service, and maintenance vehicles, to maneuver safely through the area. The absence of “No Parking” signs does not always mean that parking is permitted in an area. An example would be parking alongside curbed areas inside paved parking lots.

Approved Events

University Regulation UCF-4.006 prohibits loitering inside UCF parking garages or lots. Parking garages are reserved for the sole purpose of parking vehicles for academic and approved university business related events. Parties, bands and other forms of gatherings will result in trespass. A SAFE from is required for all activities on campus: