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Reminder...UCF shuttles are not operational during Spring Break. Shuttle service will resume on Monday 3/24 at 6:30am.

Vendor and Contractor Parking Permits

Vendor permits allow access to service parking areas, which are reserved for contractual business and critical services. Vendor permits are eligible to park in any Parking facility (except Reserved 24-hr spaces). Additionally, vendor permits allow a maximum of two hour parking in “Service Vehicle Only” spaces (vehicles digitally chalked for compliance).

The annual cost for a vendor permit is $478.87 plus tax or $47.89 plus tax for a monthly service permit.

Daily permits can be upgraded to service permits at the Visitor and Parking Information Center with verification of need of service permit.

UCF Departments

Vendor permits are only for vendor that are require essential access to serve the university needs. Vendor permits are for the sole purpose of conducting business and not used for personal benefits. With the issuance of any departmental vendor pass, employees are still responsible for purchasing parking permits to park on any UCF campus and to comply with UCF regulation 6.007. Failure to comply with the above guidelines can result in revocation of parking privileges. Vendor permits purchased by departments cannot be purchased for the sole use of any specified UCF student or employee.

Reserve a Departmental Parking Space

Purchase a Permit

Where to Park:

Once you have purchased your parking permit, a few reminders about parking at UCF

  1. Visitor parking permits are valid in green student or visitor parking areas only. Click here for our parking guide map.
  2. Please park with the front (nose) of your vehicle facing the enclosed barrier lines of the parking space. We are a “nose in” parking facility.