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Reminder...UCF shuttles are not operational during Spring Break. Shuttle service will resume on Monday 3/24 at 6:30am.

Short Term Parking

Employee Proximity Parking

Proximity parking spaces are now available for employees conducting university business that need convenient, short term parking at the UCF Main Campus.

Lot B1

4 spaces adjacent to Millican Hall

Lot B1 parking spaces

Lot B3

5 spaces adjacent to Duke Welcome Center

Lot B3 parking spaces

Using the Spaces

Spaces will be marked with signage and stenciled as “Business Use Only.” Proximity parking spaces are for use by university employees only.

Reserved parking sign example
  • A valid virtual employee or daily permit is required to use these spaces.
  • Parking in these spaces without a valid permit will subject vehicles to citation.
  • Parking in these spaces will be limited to two hours.
  • Permit requirements and time limits will be strictly enforced.

Purchase a Permit

Where to Park:

Once you have purchased your parking permit, a few reminders about parking at UCF

  1. Visitor parking permits are valid in green student or visitor parking areas only. Click here for our parking guide map.
  2. Please park with the front (nose) of your vehicle facing the enclosed barrier lines of the parking space. We are a “nose in” parking facility.


Loading Zones

Loading Zones are located in areas where parking may be limited, yet in areas where many people may need access.

For short-term parking needs, most buildings have “Loading Zones” that allow parking for service vehicles only. Some posted signs indicate the amount of time permitted. Some Loading Zones on campus are signed with posted time limits to provide access for individuals who depend on these spaces to make timely deliveries. The time limits encourage high turnover in areas where high turnover is needed. Vehicle operators should always check for signs depicting posted time limits.

For deliveries, Loading Zones should be used for delivering heavy items only. Persons delivering small packages are encouraged to use parking meters or designated short-term parking areas. If metered spaces are used, all posted fees must be paid.

Loading Zones are also available for the immediate pick-up and drop-off of passengers, and to provide disabled persons a place to be picked up or dropped off safely. During these instances, the drivers of vehicles picking up or dropping off passengers MUST remain with the vehicle.

All Loading Zones are designated tow-away zones, and are enforced 24 hours per day.

ParkMobile Metered Parking Spaces:

Mobile Payments for Metered Parking Spaces:

There are short-term metered parking zones available throughout the campus for visitors to use. Customers can activate a parking session through their mobile device by scanning the QR code on the posted ParkMobile signage located within the zone. Vehicle information and payment are required when registering for a parking session. Metered rates are $2.00 per hour + $0.35 convenience fee. Please note that meters are strictly enforced 24/7.

  • Visitor and Parking Information Center (Lot B-6)
  • Duke Energy UCF Welcome Center (Lot B-4)
  • West Plaza Drive
  • East Plaza Drive
  • Mensa Drive
  • Lot E-1 near Garage E
  • Lot B-1
  • Lot B-2
  • Lot B-3
  • Lot B-9
  • Lot B-15
  • Pyxis Lane
  • Lot D-1
  • Life Center at Greek Park Drive
  • Lot H-4
  • Rosen College