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Reminder...Pay with Provisions ends on Friday, February 28th. Click on Citations/Pay with Provisions for more information.

Commuting Students

D Permits


Student permits allows for parking in General (green) designated parking areas on campus.  After 5:30 P.M. this permit allows parking in Employee parking spaces unless otherwise noted. Commuting students are required to purchase a Student “D” parking permit. D permits allow parking in all General (green) parking lots and unreserved parking garages. View on map.

Permit Fee Schedule

(University Regulation UCF-6.008)

Virtual Permit Fees For Students

Permit 150-Day Permit 365-Day Permit
General D $47.94 $95.88
Motorcycles/Mopeds $25.51 $49.99
  • *Second vehicle permit is available for $15.00. Second vehicle permit will expire on the same date as the first permit regardless on when it was purchased. Vehicle registration is required prior receiving your second parking permit.
  • Permit Prices include sales tax.
  • Please click on link to register your vehicle and purchase parking permit: The department accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Knight Cash online and in our offices.

Purchase a Permit

Where to Park:

Once you have purchased your parking permit, a few reminders about parking at UCF

  1. Visitor parking permits are valid in green student or visitor parking areas only. Click here for our parking guide map.
  2. Please park with the front (nose) of your vehicle facing the enclosed barrier lines of the parking space. We are a “nose in” parking facility.