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Reminder...UCF shuttles are not operational during Spring Break. Shuttle service will resume on Monday 3/24 at 6:30am.

Accessible Permits

Accessible placards, license plate or hang tags must be registered in the user’s name.

Accessible parking is available for those individuals who possess a valid state-issued (blue) disabled placard, a temporary (red) state disabled placard, or an accessible license plate assigned to their name. Individuals are required to purchase a UCF parking permit of appropriate classification, i.e., Employee, Student, or Daily Visitor to park on the campus. Individuals with such appropriate permits may park in any available disabled parking space on campus In the event that there are no accessible parking areas, you may use any valid non-reserved, non-marked parking space close to your destination.

Individuals who possess a valid Disabled Veteran (DV) license plate are exempt from the parking permit fee provided the DV license plate is registered in their name.

Disabled placards are issued by the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV). If you need a temporary disabled placard, it first must be approved by your physician. Please click on the link below for requesting a temporary disabled placard through the Florida Department of Highway and Safety Vehicles.

Florida DHS Disabled Parking Permit

Accessible Parking Icon
Need a permit but have no UCF ID?

Purchase a Permit

Where to Park:

Once you have purchased your parking permit, a few reminders about parking at UCF

  1. Visitor parking permits are valid in green student or visitor parking areas only. Click here for our parking guide map.
  2. Please park with the front (nose) of your vehicle facing the enclosed barrier lines of the parking space. We are a “nose in” parking facility.